Ironmaster Spotting Stand - Zubehör für die Super Bench & Super Bench Pro - Ironmaster
Ironmaster Spotting Stand Zubehor fur die Super Bench & Super Bench Pro

Ironmaster Spotting Stand Zubehor fur die Super Bench & Super Bench Pro

402,00 Inkl. MwSt.
Nicht auf Lager

Dieser Aufsatz wurde entwickelt, um die Stabilität und den Halt beim Gewichtheben mit der Super Bench und Super Bench Pro V2 zu gewährleisten. Lesen Sie mehr.

Wird am 25. April wieder erwartet!
  • 5-Sterne Bewertungen
  • 10+ Jahre Garantie
  • Schnelle Lieferung
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Wird für die Super Bench und Super Bench Pro verwendet

Die Iromaster Kurzhantelablage ist perfekt, um Ihr Training sicherer und komfortabler zu gestalten, ohne dabei die Qualität Ihres Trainings zu beeinträchtigen. Nie wieder werden Sie Hanteln mit den Knien hochbringen müssen.Durch qualitativ hochwertigem Stahl ist die Ironmaster Kurzhantelablage besonders robust und langlebig. In der Ablage können unsere Quick-Lock Hanteln sowie herkömmliche Hanteln bequem hochkant abgestellt werden.


• Funktioniert mit allen herkömmlichen Hanteln die aufrecht stehen.
• Vermeidet Hanteln mit den Knien hochzubringen.
• Einstellbare höhe.
• Einstellbarer winkel.
• Für jeden seite bis 59 kg zugelassen.
• 10 Jahre Garantie.


Der Stand ist besonders widerstandsfähig designt und steht Profis und Anfängern für eine Lebenslange Nutzung zur verfügung. Die verstellbaren Sattel ermöglichen einen leichten Zugriff auf die Hanteln im liegen, im Rückgefälle , in der Schräge und in senkrechter Position. Der Kurzhantelstand kann mit Leichtigkeit bis zu 59 kg auf jeder Seite aushalten. (separat erhältlich)

Ist durch ein hochgestell mit dem Kurzhantelstand verbunden.

Gewicht: 68 lbs (31 kg)
Höhe: 86.5 cm (43") – 125.5 cm (49.5")
Länge: 110.5 cm (43.5")
Breite: 51 cm (20")
Belastung: 59 kg (130 lbs)
Sattel Höhe: From floor 54.4 cm (21.5") to 95 cm (37.5") bis um 5 cm (2") Schritte
Garantie: 10 Jahre Garantie



EAN Code


5 Sterne, basierend auf 6 Bewertungen
6 reviews
Abhilash (Source:
Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:26

The dumbbell spotting stand for my SB is an excellent addition to my Ironmaster home gym! It has a ridiculously small footprint too! Going heavy and risking injury were always a reason I shifted away from dumbbell workouts especially chest and shoulders. Problem solved. Decline dumbbell presses are now not an issue. It also increases your awareness as you do your reps and limits any sort of wacky form to your dumbbell antics. How so? Even though you have ample room between the spotting stand and your full range of motion, the perception of making sure you are not banging against them helps with concentration and maintain a perfect/near perfect form. I have had Ironmaster quick lock dumbbells for years sitting in the dust and with the pandemic, its been brought to life and the spotting stand is something I could not do without!

Reviewer (Source:
Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:22

The Spotting Stand is a game changer. The first rep doesn't put all the usual strain on the shoulders. Decline presses are especially easier than whatever acrobatics are typically required to get into starting position. Easy to change height and rotation when switching between exercises. Even when the gym opens back up, I'll probably workout at home on dumbbell day!

Whitney (Source:
Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:22

I had never used or even seen a dumbbell spotting stand before I started buying Ironmaster equipment and researched the spotting stand. I went back and forth for months before finally pulling the trigger. As I get older, I am always looking for ways to reduce the risk of injury to my shoulders and back. The spotting stand is an amazing piece of equipment. I use it mainly for flat and incline dumbbell press and standing dumbbell curls. This stand makes getting into your initial starting position SO much easier. You don't even realize the strain it takes to get into that initial position, until you have one of these and no longer feel it! I also have the barbell adapter and use that to spot standing EZ curls. Again, helps preserve my back by not having to bend over to lift the curl bar to its starting position every set. When I initially got the spotting stand, I had a traditional two legged bench and found the spottting stand quite stable, even though it was not being held down by the superbench. I have since purchased a superbench PRO and there is not an ounce of wiggle. This is an excellent, often overlooked, piece of equipment.

JeffC (Source:
Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:21

As a continuously certified CPT since '97, one of the most significant "truths" I have learned is that in addition to consistency, it is not just about training with intensity but also training smart. Training longevity requires injury reduction. These stands alleviate heavy ground to set positions for flat and incline bench and make solo declines possible. Stands also provide a safe way to dump weights when necessary allowing one to go for that extra rep with confidence. Like all of my Ironmaster gear (and it is considerable), these stands have been a great addition to my home gym.

Kent (Source:
Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:21

Once you try it you will wonder how you ever worked out without it. Heavy duty and excellent build quality. Easy to adjust and lets you save that necessary energy to bang out a few more reps vs wasting it getting the weights up. It takes up some good real estate but is worth it!

Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:20

spotting stand works best with best with dumbell bench press and incline dumbell bench press. could use a little more height for seated dumbell press, but still works good.

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Zuletzt angesehen

Ironmaster Spotting Stand
Ironmaster Spotting Stand
Dieser Aufsatz wurde entwickelt, um die Stabilität und den Halt beim Gewichthebe...
€402,00 €332,23


EAN Code
5 Sterne, basierend auf 6 Bewertungen
6 reviews
Abhilash (Source:
Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:26

The dumbbell spotting stand for my SB is an excellent addition to my Ironmaster home gym! It has a ridiculously small footprint too! Going heavy and risking injury were always a reason I shifted away from dumbbell workouts especially chest and shoulders. Problem solved. Decline dumbbell presses are now not an issue. It also increases your awareness as you do your reps and limits any sort of wacky form to your dumbbell antics. How so? Even though you have ample room between the spotting stand and your full range of motion, the perception of making sure you are not banging against them helps with concentration and maintain a perfect/near perfect form. I have had Ironmaster quick lock dumbbells for years sitting in the dust and with the pandemic, its been brought to life and the spotting stand is something I could not do without!

Reviewer (Source:
Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:22

The Spotting Stand is a game changer. The first rep doesn't put all the usual strain on the shoulders. Decline presses are especially easier than whatever acrobatics are typically required to get into starting position. Easy to change height and rotation when switching between exercises. Even when the gym opens back up, I'll probably workout at home on dumbbell day!

Whitney (Source:
Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:22

I had never used or even seen a dumbbell spotting stand before I started buying Ironmaster equipment and researched the spotting stand. I went back and forth for months before finally pulling the trigger. As I get older, I am always looking for ways to reduce the risk of injury to my shoulders and back. The spotting stand is an amazing piece of equipment. I use it mainly for flat and incline dumbbell press and standing dumbbell curls. This stand makes getting into your initial starting position SO much easier. You don't even realize the strain it takes to get into that initial position, until you have one of these and no longer feel it! I also have the barbell adapter and use that to spot standing EZ curls. Again, helps preserve my back by not having to bend over to lift the curl bar to its starting position every set. When I initially got the spotting stand, I had a traditional two legged bench and found the spottting stand quite stable, even though it was not being held down by the superbench. I have since purchased a superbench PRO and there is not an ounce of wiggle. This is an excellent, often overlooked, piece of equipment.

JeffC (Source:
Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:21

As a continuously certified CPT since '97, one of the most significant "truths" I have learned is that in addition to consistency, it is not just about training with intensity but also training smart. Training longevity requires injury reduction. These stands alleviate heavy ground to set positions for flat and incline bench and make solo declines possible. Stands also provide a safe way to dump weights when necessary allowing one to go for that extra rep with confidence. Like all of my Ironmaster gear (and it is considerable), these stands have been a great addition to my home gym.

Kent (Source:
Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:21

Once you try it you will wonder how you ever worked out without it. Heavy duty and excellent build quality. Easy to adjust and lets you save that necessary energy to bang out a few more reps vs wasting it getting the weights up. It takes up some good real estate but is worth it!

Veröffentlicht am 19 November 2024 at 10:20

spotting stand works best with best with dumbell bench press and incline dumbell bench press. could use a little more height for seated dumbell press, but still works good.

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Review Ironmaster Spotting Stand Zubehor fur die Super Bench & Super Bench Pro

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